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Financial company
Our team undertook a comprehensive project to develop a custom software solution for in-depth information and analytical processing. This software is tailored specifically for the nuanced analysis of counterparties and financial data, offering a sophisticated platform for professionals in this domain
The primary challenge was to automate the processes of searching and analyzing both personal and corporate data, alongside financial transactions. This required integrating data from diverse sources, including Internal Source Information (ISI) and local storage systems. The goal was to provide robust information and analytical support to streamline complex operations
Our approach focused on developing a multi-faceted software system with several core functionalities: Integration of Information Sources - we engineered a unified repository for all data inputs, enhancing accessibility and coherence; Entity Search and Identification Management - the system facilitates efficient management of search entities, ensuring accurate identification within the unified repository; Collection and Integration of Unstructured Data - it adeptly collects unstructured data from various open sources, integrating them into a singular repository for streamlined analysis
Project Duration
4 years
Team Composition
The team consists of:
  • A dynamic team of 2-7 developers was engaged, bringing diverse skills and expertise to the project
Technology Stack
We leveraged a modern tech stack utilising:
  • .Net Framework 4.6.1
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • PostgreSQL
  • VSTO add-in
  • Hashicorp Consul
  • DevExpress

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